Saturday, January 8, 2011

Decisions decisions

Yes it's been a while since I posted anything... been a bit busy going to Gold Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich, and then additional trips to the states.

Christmas in Ipswich was very fun... got to meet friends of Damien and Dan. We had way too much food, good drinks, and played games. Trying to leave to go back to Sydney was a story in itself... as it was raining horribly. We drove to Gold Coast to fly out, but nothing was landing or taking off, so we tried our luck in Brisbane (thanks to Damien driving Dan and I all over in the rain). Our flight there was delayed, but we made it... amazingly, and I was able to catch my flight the next day to the states.

20 hours of not sleeping on my flights and making connections later, I was in Salt Lake again... there for friends (practically family). It's been fun here... freezing cold, but fun. I am incredibly bummed that I missed new years in Sydney... for a taste of it, check out this youtube video: But it was more important for me to be with my friends in the states and I can always try to make it again in the future :)

Through all of this, and leading up to it, I finally figured out what I want to do... for the time being, at least. I am going to head back to Sydney on the 22nd after a short visit to San Francisco. From there, I will find a temporary place in Sydney... preferably somewhere around Newtown, Redfern, or Oxford Street. I'll get a job... something fun that will let me meet people and make some spending $$$. Then do some trips... I plan on doing Melbourne and Adelaide in the same trip... maybe a week. I'd also like to visit Hobart and Canberra and maybe Darwin and Perth... oh and hopefully a trip back to Gold Coast if the weather and flooding improves. Then around the end of April, I will do a week-long trip or so to New Zealand... finalize everything in Sydney and whatnot, and move to San Francisco... indefinitely.

It's been an exciting process in figuring everything out, and I am really excited to enjoy the rest of my time in AU (which I will blog more regularly) and then my move to SF.

Stay posted... more to come... maybe I'll even start posting pictures, instead of putting them all on facebook ;)

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